This story happened a few years ago, and it’s the first time I’m sharing it. I’m a 25-year-old Mexican psychologist living in the United States, and I consider myself bisexual now, but back then, I was straight. Here’s how it all started:
Four years ago, when I was 21, I was having some financial struggles. I had moved to another city to study, and my parents couldn’t afford to support me. So, I decided to go to the United States to work for my uncle in his construction company. I had a tourist visa, and we had visited the country before for family vacations. I was there for two and a half months, working long hours and dealing with rude coworkers who made fun of me for being a student and studying psychology.
To blow off some steam, I bought a mountain bike and started riding around the neighborhood. One day, I noticed an older black man working in his garden every time I passed by. He was always friendly and greeted me with a “Have a good afternoon, boy.” I’d greet him back, and we’d exchange pleasantries. He seemed like a nice guy, and I didn’t think much of it.
One day, I was riding by his house and stopped to take a break. He walked up to me and started talking. I told him I was Mexican and didn’t speak English very well. He responded in broken but understandable Spanish, “I adore Mexicans. I’m Marc. Nice to meet you.” I introduced myself, and he said, “Nice name.”
We started talking, and he told me he loved Mexico and visited Puerto Vallarta twice a year. I told him I visited that beach at least once a year too. He asked where I lived, and I told him I was helping my uncle and lived a few streets away. He said it was nice to see young people exercising these days, and I found it strange because, in the US, people always go out to exercise, but I didn’t see many young people in that area.
It started to get dark, and I told him I had to go. He said he was divorced and had been for several years. I apologized for bringing it up, and he said there was no problem, that he was very happy living alone. I just smiled and told him I had to go. He said goodbye very nicely and told me he hoped to see me around again, as he liked me.
I said the feeling was mutual because, after weeks of only interacting with rude and offensive people, it felt great to have a nice conversation with someone so kind. When I got home, I saw that I had several missed calls from my girlfriend. I noticed that all the calls had come in while I was talking to Marc. I thought I had only chatted with him for a moment, but when I looked at the time, I realized that an hour had passed. I thought to myself, “Well, I didn’t even notice the time passing.”
The next day, as I was about to pass by Marc’s street, I found myself thinking about whether he would be there or not. As always, he was there, and I stopped to greet him. He approached me and had something in his hands – a small backpack with a water bottle attached. He walked up to me and said, “Look what I found. I used to ride my bike a lot, and I still have all my gear.” I tried to decline, but he insisted, and I blushed a bit. He laughed and asked if no one had ever given me anything before. I told him yes, but not from a man his age and with his characteristics, which made him laugh even more.
He then said he had some good bikes in his backyard that needed some work, and he wanted to sell them. He invited me to check them out, and I offered to help fix them since I have a lot of knowledge about bikes. He happily accepted and invited me inside.
He told me to just walk to the back, and I found myself in a beautiful, spacious house. I walked through the living room and kitchen and entered the backyard, which was also quite beautiful. I heard him shout that he would be there in a moment, and I entered a small room filled with old tools and gadgets. The bikes were indeed from a high-end brand, and I could see what was wrong with them right away. I grabbed the toolbox and got to work.
After a while, Marc came in with two large beers and said, “Here’s your reward for the help.” I accepted the beer, and when I finished, he invited me inside to have another one. I thought it was quite friendly, and I accepted. I didn’t feel any unease because he had a very friendly way of speaking.
As we sat inside drinking our beers, he asked me if I had a girlfriend. I told him I did, and he said, “Of course you do, you’re a very handsome young man.” I felt a bit embarrassed and just thanked him for the compliment. He kept complimenting me, saying, “That girl is very lucky,” and I asked him why he said that. He replied, “Well, you’re a very responsible and good-looking young man. Who wouldn’t want that these days?”
I started telling him about some problems I was having with my girlfriend, as she was quite jealous and insecure, always accusing me of being a jerk, which was never true. I wanted Marc, with his years of experience, to give me some advice. He just said he never understood women.
He then got up and asked if I wanted something to eat, but I told him not to bother, as it was getting late and I had to go. He said not to worry, that it was still early, and he went to the kitchen counter to grab some snacks. I stood up, looking around his kitchen, admiring the paintings on the walls, and in my distraction, I placed my beer glass on the edge of the counter. It tipped over and spilled beer all over Marc.
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