Early in the morning, the doorbell rang. Lisa was still asleep, so I opened the door. Standing in front of me was a guy I didn’t know. He looked a bit strange: stringy hair, unkempt and kind of run-down.
I guessed he was in his mid-twenties.
He asked if Lisa was there. I replied that I would get her and went into our room to wake Lisa up and let her know.
Our bedroom was a little unusually furnished: It consisted mainly of a landing, which was about the width of 3m.
Lisa and I didn’t have our mattresses next to each other, but mine was on the left and hers on the right, so we actually had separate beds. When we made love, we sometimes slept in her bed and sometimes in mine. However, we usually slept separately because we were both very active at night and therefore needed space. An arrangement that we both liked.
So I woke Lisa up and told her that she had a visitor. I couldn’t answer her question about who it was. I told her that I didn’t know the guy, but apparently he knew her. I also felt a morning urge and briefly told her that I had to go and that she should put on some clothes (like me, she always slept in a T-shirt and panties) and check for herself.
I then went to the toilet after telling the guy to wait a moment. He was still standing outside the front door. I didn’t necessarily want to invite him in either.
I then heard Lisa’s voice and his through the toilet door, but couldn’t understand a word.
I assumed that she had brought him into the kitchen. I assumed she knew him from school. Without giving the guy a second thought (my God, was I still naive), I went back to our bedroom. I stopped in the doorway, thunderstruck.
The guy had got rid of his clothes and was lying under the covers with Lisa. They were both making out wildly. My Lisa, the woman I loved, to whom I really would have given anything she wanted from me, was lying in her bed with this guy and making out with him!
“What’s going on here?” was all I could get out. Lisa briefly peeked out from under the covers and said, as if it were the most natural thing in the world: “That’s Heiko from Berlin.
I told you about him.” Heiko didn’t even look at me. Lisa then disappeared under the covers again. I was simply logged off.
I was so perplexed that I couldn’t think of anything to say and just went to bed.
I was now lying just a meter away from her on the same platform, only she was in a different bed. I was actually used to her not lying in the same bed as me. But this time, not only was she not in my bed, she was intimate with someone else in HER bed. HER bed no longer had anything to do with our life together.
At first I turned my back on them. But when Lisa’s giggling didn’t stop, I turned around and looked over at both of them. There wasn’t much to see, though. I only saw Lisa’s long hair and a lot of movement under the comforter.
Then Lisa stretched her arms up out of the covers and the guy pulled her T-shirt over her head. She was naked except for her panties.
I couldn’t believe it. She was making out with the guy as if I wasn’t even there.
The worst thing about it was that it turned me on, a lot! I was shocked, jealous and totally horny at the same time. The term “confusion” probably sums it up best. And this confusion is still with me today.
There was movement in the comforter again.
At the bottom edge, I saw Lisa’s foot push her panties out of the bed. She was now completely naked in bed with this guy. My emotions ran wild. The sight and sounds of her were already turning me on.
But the jealousy was also quite painful. Suddenly Lisa turned to me and said, “Can you leave us alone for a bit?”
That was direct! I actually wanted to intervene, but I didn’t know how. I was paralyzed. All I could manage was a pitiful “No, I’m staying.
After all, this is my room too. And I really don’t like what you’re doing there. It fucking hurts me.”
Lisa shrugged her shoulders and turned back to her lover. That couldn’t be true! She was just ignoring me!
Lisa’s giggle slowly turned into a moan.
The comforter slipped as Lisa bent her right leg. Her breasts appeared, as did her leg. The guy squeezed and kneaded her breasts really hard. I’d never done it that hard before.
But she seemed to really like it. She moaned more and more unrestrainedly. It was maddening
I wanted to scream at the two of them, bang the guy’s head against the wall, do something else. But all that happened was that I got horny.
And that was the real shock. She then put her leg up as Heiko lay on top of her. I could now see my naked Lisa from the side. I didn’t have to wait long before her bedspread started to move rhythmically.
The guy was fucking her in front of my eyes. The pain I felt at the sight was immense. At the same time, my little one was harder than ever. Lisa looked over at me briefly and smiled at me with glazed eyes.
She was clearly enjoying being taken by Heiko. She looked me right in the eye and started to moan really loudly. She wanted to show me how much she was enjoying this sex. They looked really hot in this look.
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